Contemplating today's Gospel
Liturgic day: Thursday 17th in Ordinary Time
Comment: Fr. Ferran JARABO i Carbonell (Agullana, Girona, Spain)
«They gather the good fish in buckets, but throw the worthless ones away»
Today, the Gospel is a vital call to conversion. Jesus does not spare us the hard reality: «The angels will go out to separate the wicked from the just and throw them into the blazing furnace» (Mt 13:49-50). The warning is quite clear. We just cannot take it easy and go to asleep!
Now, it is our turn to freely choose: we either seek God and make goodness a part of our life, or we prefer to stand on the precipice of death. Or with Christ or against him. To convert ourselves means, in this case, to freely opt to become one of the upright ones and live a life worthy of his sons. However, within us we have the experience of sin: we realize the good we should do but we do the evil, instead; what do we do to provide our lives with a sense of true unity? We, alone, cannot do much. Only if we place ourselves in God's hands shall we be able to attain the goodness and be counted amongst the upright ones.
«Because we know not when our Judge shall appear, so we should live every day as if it were our last» (St. Jerome). These words are a call to live with intensity and responsibility our Christianity. It is not a matter of being afraid, but of living in the hope this is a time of grace, praise and glory.
Christ shows us the only way to our own glorification. Christ is the only way to heaven; therefore, our salvation, our happiness and whatever we can imagine happens through Him. And if we have everything in Christ, we can hardly refrain from loving the Church, that shows him to us and is its mystic body. Against purely human visions of this reality we have to recuperate the divine-spiritual vision: nothing bigger than Christ and the fulfillment of his will!