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Only a few hours left to get this special deal: Available in both English and Spanish, 2014: A Book of Grace-Filled Days is composed of daily meditations, Scripture readings, personal reflections, and self-examinations that help us check out from the busyness of our lives and check in with our relationship with God. Additionally, the Spanish edition was originally written by Santiago Cortés-Sjöberg -- not a translation! The perfect gift, 2014: A Book of Grace-Filled Days delivers daily doses of grace to renew and rejuvenate your personal faith. It’s not too late to order! Use promo code 4390 when ordering online or by calling 1-800-621-1008. Not valid with other offers. Offer applies to selected trade titles only. No pre-order or back-order titles. US domestic shipping orders only. Offer expires 12/16/2013 |
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