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. "A magnificent book bursting with profound spiritual insights." . In his first book, Pope Francis details his complete and compelling vision of mercy, service, and renewal for the Catholic Church. The Church of Mercy is collected from speeches, homilies, papers, and addresses from the first year of his papacy, and clearly expresses Pope Francis’s urgent desire for "a church that is poor, and for the poor."
With one free extra book, it's even easier to share Pope Francis’s message of mercy! * Limit 5 free copies per household, parish, institution, or organization. Offer applies only to purchases from Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com Allow four weeks for delivery of your free copy by US mail. Special offer expires 4/25/2014. Offer valid while supplies last. No exchanges or substitutions allowed. © 2014 Loyola Press. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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