miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Pope Francis Book Collection—Only $9 Each for 48 Hours

March 13, 2015 marks the second anniversary of Pope Francis's election.

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Celebrating Pope Francis's Second Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Pope Francis!

March 13, 2015, marks the second anniversary of Pope Francis's election. Loyola Press is celebrating by offering each book in our Pope Francis Collection for $9 each—but only for the next two days.
Cover: Life and Revolution
Pope Francis: Life and Revolution
Elisabetta Piqué

Internationally respected journalist and personal friend of Pope Francis, Elisabetta Piqué reveals a profoundly personal side of the Pope in the most complete biography available. Through her words, we come to know the Pope's humility and humanity, courage and conviction, warmth and wisdom. 

4217-5 | paperback | regular price $16.95

Also in Spanish:
4215-1 | paperback | regular price $16.95
Cover: The Church of Mercy
The Church of Mercy: A Vision for the Church
Pope Francis

The first major work by Pope Francis is collected from his speeches, addresses, and homilies during the first year of his papacy. His deep wisdom reminds us that the Church must move beyond its own walls and joyfully bring God's mercy wherever suffering, division, or injustice exists.

4170-3 | paperback | regular price $16.95
Cover: Pope Francis - Why He Leads the Way He Leads
Pope Francis:
Why He Leads the Way He Leads

Chris Lowney

Best-selling author and former Jesuit seminarian Chris Lowney offers an in-depth look at how Pope Francis's Jesuit training has directly formed his seemingly counterintuitive approach to leadership. He shows the "other-centered" leadership style of a Pope who believes that authentic leadership is service.

4091-1 | paperback | regular price $16.95
Use promo code 4565 when ordering.
Order online or call 800-621-1008.

Offer valid until 3/13/2015 or while supplies last. US domestic orders only. Shipping and handling are extra. Not valid with other offers. To order by phone, use promo code 4565.

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