7 Loyola Press books receive accolades from the Catholic Press Association. Each spring the Catholic Press Association announces the winners of its annual Book Awards. We're proud to announce our award-winning books and congratulate the authors for this distinguished recognition. |
| Dear Pope Francis by Pope Francis First Place, Pope Francis Books First Place, Children's Books "Destined to become a classic. This book should be in every home. Honest, clear answers to timeless questions." | |
| Always Discerning by Joseph Tetlow, SJ First Place, Spirituality "... every person has the capacity to discern the movements of the Holy Spirit." | |
| Operating on Faith by Matt Weber First Place, Marriage "... reveals the beauty of the Catholic marriage in a style young adults will find most appealing." | |
| A Church on the Move by Joe Paprocki, D.Min. Second Place, Pastoral Ministry "... provides practical, realistic strategies for transforming parish life to lead others to an encounter with Jesus." | |
| Taste & See by Ginny Kubitz Moyer Second Place, Popular Presentation of the Catholic Faith "... a reminder that, regardless of one's feelings at the moment, God is ever-present in the mundane." | |
| With God in America by Walter J. Ciszek, SJ Third Place, Spirituality "... see Christ and seek Him through the humble and God-centered life that Fr. Ciszek shared." | |
| The 15-Minute Prayer Solution by Gary Jansen Honorable Mention, Prayer "A fine how-to for someone looking for a way to jump-start a prayer life." | |
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