martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Benedict XVI in Master?

Contemplating today's Gospel

On June 29th Joseph Ratzinger will celebrate his 60th anniversary as an ordained priest: congratulations, Benedict XVI! He is the "master" of the faith —the actual "master" — in the Church: he was chosen by God for this mission.

This is why, Master· has incorporated (indirectly) the Pope in our editorials. We are, therefore, asking our team to prepare their brief commentaries of Master· by inspiring themselves preferentially in words, expressions and interpretations by Benedict XVI.

From now on, most of our commentaries will be "signed" by: EDITORIAL of (prepared from texts of Benedict XVI). You can already see it in the service of tomorrow’s festivity: Saints Peter and Paul, apostles (click here).

We dream of spreading all over the brilliant Pope’s explanations. From Master· we shall live this dream by taking advantage of the opportunities INTERNET offers. Please, help us!

Gratefully, as usual, and with best regards. The Team.

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