sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011



Dear friends,

We are anticipating our Master·evangeli.net service of next Sunday 21st, in Ordinary Time. Tomorrow we shall contemplate Jesus Christ announcing to Simon Peter that he would be the “rock” on which the Church will be built.

The following passage shows our gratitude to Benedict XVI for his solicitude and concern as the Supreme Shepherd of our Church, specially manifested in these happy hours of the WYD:

The Pope has supreme and full authority, but not to do what he may deem convenient: he is not a "dictator" but he must be the guarantor of obedience. He stands for Christ: he is His visible head. He stands for the Revelation: he is Its custodian. He stands for Truth: he is Its teacher. He advocates for his brothers: he is the Holy Father! He is the "servant of the servants of God". —God, the Holy Spirit, please preserve, fortify and defend the Pope. (SEE MORE)

The Team of evangeli.net


evangeli.net: "Contemplating today's Gospel" (Gospel + meditation) and "Master·evangeli.net" (Gospel + theology)


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